Super Spark

Creative cubs

About The Course

The Super Spark Course, thoughtfully crafted by teaching professionals and phonics experts, caters to advanced learners aged 5 to 8. With a solid grasp of English basics, these kids are ready to delve into reading, writing, and comprehending stories. Our kid-friendly course stimulates and challenges their agile minds, laying a strong language foundation to conquer the intricacies of learning. The 18-week course, featuring 56 classes (3 per week), ensures personalized attention in small batches of 3-4 kids. By the end, each child will read independently, grasp story context, and even create and share their own stories with friends. Expect improved concentration, heightened imagination, and boosted confidence! Join Phonics and Reading Classes today.

Super spark

Super Spark

Starting Age   →   5 to 8 Years
Fun Classes   →   60 Classes
Classes Per Week   →   3 Classes
Class Duration   →   3 Months
Cost Per Class   →   ₹ 250
Writing Activity   →   Dictation
Sight Words   →   Yes
Personal Coaching   →   ₹ 400
Group Class   →   upto 4 Student Per Class


Children joining this course already have a grasp of basic phonic sounds and can confidently read and write 3-4 letters. Now, they’re poised to advance to the next level of phonics, where they will:

  • Read words with up to 10 letters
  • Independently construct spellings for words ranging from 8 to 10 letters
  • Read words with correct pronunciation
  • Enhance comprehension skills and expand vocabulary
  • Read age-appropriate story books independently

Empower your child to thrive in the world of advanced phonics!

The Super spark Course, crafted by Fluffy Tales phonics teaching professionals and experts, is designed to make your child’s journey of learning to read, speak confidently, and write enjoyable and engaging.

In the Fluffy Tales Power Readers course, your child will:

  • Establish a strong foundation in the English language
  • Cultivate a love for reading from an early age
  • Read independently and comprehend the essence of stories
  • Spark their imagination and curiosity
  • Enhance concentration and boost confidence

Beyond formal education, we instill essential moral and ethical values. Children will not only read simple sentences but also develop a fondness for books, create their own stories, and share them with peers